Monday, August 22, 2016


"You're welcome to produce a shitshow" he messaged her about their upcoming drink date.

She responded "I've been trying to get my emotions together, trying to figure out why I'm still feeling the way I feel. I'll try my best not to make it a shitshow."

"Its fine. Maybe an emotional purge is necessary"

"I just fear for the same outcome we always come to."

"Which is?"

"Your uncertainty coupled with my emotional vulnerability.  Classic Us."



Her friend was going through a casual sex encounter that he needed to stop, and he said something she found very important: "(I have to say to him) I care for you but don't want your love...fuck it even feels horrible typing it."

She immediately thought about KSL saying that to her...and though she felt hurt, she also felt a sense of calm.  It was harsh, but true.  "The truth shall set you free" she said.  She suddenly realized the real reason she still felt all the feelings was because he had lied to her twice.  He said he felt "The Spark" with everyone he had ever dated.  Clearly he didn't ever intend on the pact ever coming to fruition, because he hadn't felt the spark with her.  Or at least he never said so.

It was something you'd think he would have brought up before this girl.  So he either lied about the spark, or feeling the spark with her.  Either outcome, she was going to get hurt.

She just hoped that he had enough guts to finally let her know the truth.