Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Nope Octopus

She really didn't want to go to the fundraiser that she'd worked on all month.  She was tired, and had decided to play hard to get not just with KSL, but everyone in her life.  She needed a break.  She wouldn't ignore anyone if they texted her, but she was not going to reach out that week.

She did drag herself to the fundraiser, and had a "brown M&Ms worth of fun." She and SD had gone together, and she had worn the wrong shoes.  Despite that, they ran around Snapchatting various set pieces they were involved in, drinking, and dancing.  At the end of the night they met a guy they dubbed "Meathead Tony" that she danced with briefly, and SD ended up kissing him right before they left. They laughed all the way home, stopping every once in awhile to reflect on how hilarious it was that they were calling him "Meathead Tony" instead of his real name...which they never actually caught.

They had a great girl's night out, and the walk home wasn't as painful as she anticipated.  It had been a good night despite her bad attitude.  She stepped into her elevator in her building, smiling at how great of a friend SD was.

The only thing that marred the evening was around midnight she got a Snapchat from KSL, expressing concern for her well being.  Could she get home okay?

Her Snapchat story had been one of fun, with one tacked on the end of her heels saying "I'm tired, take me home." Had he thought that went out to just him and not on her story?  Who knows.  A minute later he texted her the time of a movie and said "You're welcome to join."  She asked him why he thought she couldn't get home when she lived two blocks from the venue.  Then she asked who else was going to the movie.  Clearly he wasn't going by himself.

"Me and a male friend.  Just figured I'd extend the invitation."

"Ooooh, a male friend?"

"Stahp.  I'm trying to be nice."

"Trying to be nice by inviting me to the movie or offering to drive me 2 blocks home?"

"More than 2."

"....more than 2 people?  Or 2 blocks?"

"Methinks so, yes.  Just trying to be a good friend."

The conversation continued it's circular motion, until she realized she wasn't that drunk, he really wasn't making sense.  After a little back and forth he admitted he had taken 3 Vicodin with half a bottle of tequila.  When asked why, he said he liked the floaty feeling.  This was the guy who didn't want to go on any meds for his depression because he didn't like the way they made him feel.

"I'm kinda fucked up.  Sorry"

"You're really fucked up but that's getting a little too existential for tonight.  How about you go to sleep and text me when the drugs are out of your system."

"Okay.  It's a good movie."

"Good night KSL."

She locked her phone, plugged it in, and went to sleep.  She woke up to 5 texts from him.

"You're mad/disappointed in me"
-Sent at 1:19 AM

-Sent at 1:58 AM

"Okay then"
-Sent at 2:09 AM

"Aw damn, is it that bad?  You don't want to talk to me anymore?"
-Sent at 2:27 AM

"Okay then.  Have a good night"
-Sent at 3:12 AM