"Well, what he's feeling is a small form of withdrawal I guess or it finally hit him that he "Broke Up" I think it's a person thing. He was fixated on just doing something at the moment to recover that he didn't process the actions or feelings. Unfortunately, you were the rebound sex."
"IDGAF it was fun."
"You SHOULD give a fuck."
"Ugh. He still wants to do this whole lovers/fwb thing."
"To be honest you shouldn't- kick him to the curb and move on yo-"
"I don't think I can, I'm too deep in this."
"He's processing everything. Give him a week and don't call or text him. Let him have his own tail and it will lead back to you."
"So, seeing him this afternoon to run lines with him for his play would be...wrong?"
"Deep sigh."
Running lines was friendly, he asked her how she was doing and she asked him how he was. She suggested running lines and they got through his play twice. He really improved throughout the run through, as they both sipped on iced coffee. She told him she forgot how caffeinated she needed to be to do lines with him.
He hugged her goodbye and she leaned into it, saying "Mmmmm, this is what I needed last night. Just a good, loving hug."
He swung his arms under her and picked her up for a giant bear hug, she squealed as he lifted her.
"See," he said as he set her down on the ground. "I'm a good friend."
He was. Maybe that was all he needed to be. Mo was right, maybe it was time to play hard to get. Not just with KSL, but with everyone. She needed a people break.
Later she reached into the fridge for some vodka, and saw that KSL had filled up both her ice cube trays, in his "special" way so that the ice was beautifully clear. KSL knew she loved that trick. Her husband would never think to do that. KSL was a nice guy.
No. Stay strong Penny. Hard to get. You can do this.