She awoke one morning feeling stronger, like she could take on the world. She could feel her posture improve in each pose, and even took on some new poses with ease. TM always wanted them to "step out of their sacrum" but she was actually doing it today. She was keeping her shoulders steady, there was hardly any wobble to her.
She was doing yoga today, not just attending the class and failing. She felt a mega-surge of self confidence. She was going to be okay despite the work situation that was causing her stress.
They got to the pose she's been working on and almost nailing, and she assumed she would not make it again that day. As always, she was going to try.
No one was more shocked than her when her forehead came to her splayed open toes about a foot away from her in the seated position. She gasped, but stayed in the pose for as long as she could. It hurt a little, but mostly she wanted to nail the pose for as long as TM made them hold it.
Appropriately, the perfect song came on the speakers to celebrate her triumph. It had been the end song to the play that TM wrote last summer. The start of her new life, the first play she got involved in coming back.
She took a deep cleansing breath, and took this as the great sign that it was. Everything was going to just get better...her only New Years Resolution.