"He's not ready to deal with the feelings he has for you. He might never be." Goldie told her.
"He will always have a bit of that wall up, but you've broken down a lot of it. I've never seen him be that open with anyone else, ever. And I've known him 10 years!" SD said.
"He's never going to stop until he has sex with you." MG stated bluntly.
"I care about you! And I don't want to see you hurt emotionally or physically. And to me this dude needs that emotional support. So keep your guard up." Mo warned her.
"But if you two like each other, why don't you just date each other?" Sleuthy asked.
For their flirtationship being a secret, everyone certainly had an opinion about it, even if they didn't know everything. Even a caustic ex-blogger had snarked about it on twitter. No matter what form her writing had taken, that lady had always been there with her bitchy attitude adding her opinion.
If it felt good, she was going to do it. If she got her heart broken, then so be it. It was her heart. If it got broken she would mend it and move on with her life.
"So apparently in the midst of everything else, the roommate gave me a Percocet on top of the Vicodin and booze I'd already had." She decided to not tell him that they were the same thing and just said "uh-huh. So you were pretty screwed up that night huh? Do you remember any our conversation?"
"No. Sorry."
Playing hard to get (had maybe) resulted in him near-overdosing, and being an attention whore. She was done with it. She was ready to write it off, but keep an eye out for anything else. Keep her guard up, as Mo suggested. KSL was saying he felt weird about not having "goodbye sex" with his ex-girlfriend. She said "Maybe you are growing. Breaking free of your bad habits."
He mentioned how he didn't have any condoms one night, but she still snuggled up on him on the couch and watched silly YouTube videos on his phone. They made plans to take a day trip to Ikea that weekend, because he'd never been.
Because Facebook makes everyone into an unintentional stalker, she knew that he was posting things to his ex-girlfriend's wall, once every few days. It was really bringing down his fuckability quotient.
"How goes?" He texted the next day. "Meh. Malaise. You?" She replied.
"Samezies. Whats the cause of yours?
"Only like 20% you. I was just thinking this morning, wondering if it would ever go back to us being comfortable and happy again...then I realized it's never really been like that. I made myself sad."
She waited a minute, then decided to mow over her last statement with distraction. "What's the cause of yours? Tell me the truth...it's Captain America isn't it?"
"I'm just stressing about life and the show and such. And I loved Cap."
She guessed she didn't even merit 20% of his "life"