After saying goodbye to everyone, they stepped out in the cold. It was finally getting a little warmer, and although they needed jackets, they were comfortable. As usual she trudged to keep up with his longer strides.
"I am sorry again. I told them to make the drink a double to apologize." KSL said.
"A double?!?! No wonder I still feel drunk. Anyway, it's okay. I'm HSP, I'm just really sensitive. Don't mind it."
"No, I don't want to make it awkward between us, and I know you are sensitive, and I should be sensitive to that! Are you going to be okay to drive home?"
She shrugged her shoulders non-nonchalantly and said "We'll find out!"
"Stop it," he replied as they reached the parking lot. "Cm'on, get in."
"Where are we gonna go?"
"I'm taking you to Lookout Point."
They went through her list of questions about his blog on the way up, and the subject of losing his virginity came up. Apparently she'd been in an open relationship and took 20 year old KSL's cherry to "teach him things." She was a very good teacher, according to him. Until she decided she wanted a threesome with him and his roommate. It ruined everyone else's relationships and never recovered. She married her open relationship boyfriend and they are living happily ever after with other people in Portland.
The view from Lookout Point was amazing. She wanted to take a Pano on her phone but thought it would be really cheesy. Plus then she'd have to admit she was there, with him.
On the way back she started thinking about how she would essentially be a virgin if she got a divorce. No one would want to be in a relationship with her, someone with so little experience. It would be like starting over, teaching. She would be seen as damaged goods. Not KSL, not anyone. No one wanted her. Not like any different from now.
He got out of the car for his backpack in the trunk, and they hugged goodbye. "Are you going to be okay to drive?" He asked as she rested her head on his chest.
"We'll see!" She parroted from earlier.
He sighed and said "Will you please text me when you get home?"
"Text you when I get home?" She pulled back a little and looked up at him, but didn't break the embrace. "Lame."
"Stop it!" He exclaimed as he drew her back into his chest. Their breathing synced, and they took a few deep breathes as one. It was as centering as the yoga class that had been missing for weeks.
They broke apart and looked at one another. Her heartbeat quickened. Someone had to break the look they were giving one another. She said "Thanks for listening to me again." and they went in for another hug. It broke when he kissed her on the forehead and reminded her to text him.
She wasn't going to ask about this kiss later. She knew what a kiss on the forehead meant.