KSL was nice enough to pick her up for the evening, since the husband had managed to finally be so destitute that she had to let him borrow the car.
It had turned into quite the adventure, but they had finally landed on a restaurant that wasn't that busy on a Saturday night. They celebrated with a pitcher of margaritas and picked out their food. KSL had just calmed down after venting about the last fight he had with his girlfriend. It had resulted in his girlfriend leaving to stay at her mom's house for the night, even though it started with him not emptying a box for her. He might not last the 8 months he has left.
"I do it with everyone." she said. "Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but I imagine the whole relationship. Start to finish."
He leaned back, the smile wide across his face. "Tell me our story, I'm dying to know!" he exclaimed.
"We break up with our significant others, move in with each other to save money. Everything is good for awhile, but one night after drinking too much we become roommates with benefits. Then we 'catch the feels' and start dating, but it's a little weird because we are already living together. We get too close too fast, and end up in an epic hearts-broken crying jag break up."
KSL raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Yeah...that's pretty much the way it would go." He was silent for a moment, he almost seemed sad. Then he changed the subject to real relationships.
Their conversations seemed to always center around current and past relationships. This was the case as they made their way to the play they were seeing. At first, he didn't want to tell her details because she would judge him but then relented to the fact that he had cheated on and off for the last year of a relationship. He stopped because the other girl 'caught the feels' and he didn't want a relationship with her. She shrugged it off and said she didn't judge him, and he was shocked. "Maybe I spent too much time in Sin City" she laughed.
They were waiting in line when a girl screamed and approached them. Well, approached KSL, hedging in front of Penny in the only way a girl can; territorially. It was a Girl Standoff, one she was going to win because she came with him. KSL introduced them and she eventually went back to her friends to wait in line. As soon as she left he whispered to her "That's the one I cheated with."
She gasped and hit his arm playfully. "Speak of her and she appears! Now I just have to meet the one who was the girlfriend at the time and the cycle will be complete!"
"You've met her already. She's my current girlfriend." She raised her eyebrow and said "Ruh-roh. Okay, now I'm a little judge-y." He slightly winced at the statement.
The play was good, they ran into a couple of other guys they were friends with and had a fun evening. Afterwards they decided it was early and went to go see the latest superhero movie. They checked their phones afterwards and he said he couldn't tell his girlfriend about why he was out so late, mostly because he didn't want to go home. She said she couldn't tell her husband they had seen the superhero movie, because he'd be upset she didn't go to see it with him first.
"We are both lying to our significant others about each other, and we aren't even doing anything wrong. That's weird." KSL said to her.
He wasn't wrong. It was weird.