She and Dawn decided a day trip was in order to shake off the emotions from their life. Dawn had a rough week at work and her niece was very sick. She had gone on a marathon day of dates that had all ended badly.
They had an all day conversation about work, boys, all the relationships, the friendships. One of Dawn's favorite books was How to Love Yourself (and Sometimes Other People). In the book it describes how Buddhism looks at romance and relationships. Basically, Dawn explained, the philosophy was that everything ends. Whether in death or in a broken heart in two weeks, everything ends. Does that mean that you never start it at all?
Not for her.
While she was talking to Dawn, birthdays got brought up. Her ex's was coming up soon, and she wasn't sure what to do or how to approach it. "What did he do for yours?" Dawn asked.
She remembered her birthday night...setting her phone to airplane mode so that he couldn't locate her..the night with KSL. She searched in her mind and finally realized it.
"He didn't do anything. He didn't even plan on doing anything."
She remembered last year when it was his birthday, and she had bought him $50 worth of food at his favorite local festival. She felt angry.
She needed to get out all the aggression she felt towards her soon to be ex husband. She needed an emotional purge.