"That profile is detailed, I'm impressed!" She messaged to the guy who had mutually liked her on the online dating site. She was trying out a new one, she figured if nothing else it would provide blogging fodder.
They were an 83% match. He talked about food right off, and they discussed their likes and dislikes for food. She mentioned her other blog, and they discussed that for minute or two. It was awkward for awhile as he didn't seem to fully understand what she was talking about, but he finally came on board.
He had moved from the Northwest and liked the city. He was a crisis counselor for the students, which she told him was pretty amazing. It takes a strong person to be able to deal with all that conflict.
A couple of days later he asked her how her weekend was going. She had marched in the Pride parade and had a show coming up that night, and was celebrating a birthday. She was still sick but trying to push ahead despite being burnt out.
"That's no good. You've got to take care of yourself. How can I persuade you to go out with me if you are sick and worn out? ;)" He asked.
She responded "Well, in this weakened state you should be able to catch me more easily!"
"I might be able to ply you with chicken soup I suppose."
"I wouldn't turn down chicken noodle soup no matter what my physical state!" She replied.
"How late does your show run? I could take you out for pho after."
And thus, a date was made.