Dawn was an acquaintance from college theatre. Her hair was perfectly colored in an ombre blonde and her skin was just as luminous as it had been 10 years prior. They bonded over their deceased dads, and their single status.
After a Saturday yoga class, Dawn started crying. The yoga had brought out all the emotions of her current breakup. She hugged Dawn to her tightly, and comforted her until she stopped. They went out to get something to eat to talk it out.
As Dawn chowed down on her vegan meal, and she on her lox, they broke all the Bechtel rules and talked about their similar romantic relationships...or lack thereof.
Dawn had been in her casual relationship for a few weeks, but she felt him pulling away, like something was off. Then, without warning, he decided it was too soon after his marriage and he broke up with her, wanting to remain friends.
They were both amazed how all the men in their lives could just shut off that function that processes sexual attraction. It was like a literal switch they could flip that would make things non-sexual. Platonic. Static.
Why would no man be able to feel as deeply for them as they did? It was a sad state, and there was no way to fix it. Her ex, though a great guy, never really felt for her as she did for him...or they would still be together. He would still fight for her. Someone should.
Enter Dusky. Gay and with a boyfriend, they had started a flirtationship anyway. He had been in her show last summer, and they had become closer since, and even more so now that he had joined up her current production. He was filling the KSL void nicely, actually being a friend and being affectionate in public. She felt loved, appreciated, and listened to. They could have existential conversations without it getting weird and involved. When she needed someone, he came over. He was a good friend.
She felt like she was slowly able to move on from everything with friends such as these.