Tuesday, November 3, 2015


23 applications later and she was still out of work and stressed out.  She no longer had anything to look forward to in life.

She had some weird feelings about the end of the show.  It came at a terrible time with her losing her job, and there was a lot of emotion attached to it.  It hadn't been an enjoyable process due to other people's bad attitudes.  PJ had thrown a fit early on because his job made him late and he couldn't handle his anger.  It made for an awkward rehearsal.  Then the director started falling apart emotionally.  A few weeks later the director's boyfriend broke up with her and she was at a loss, crying all the time.  The director hadn't been directing before, and she really bailed out after that.  She brought in a friend who undermined training they had gotten from a professional.  It was a great show despite all the offstage drama, but it hadn't lived up to it's potential, and she'd felt helpless against it.  Her BFF had been cranky through the whole process, and it just ruined it.  She hadn't really bonded with anyone, but she was so close.

She didn't feel like anyone had become her friend or gotten to know her.  Then one of the actors was asked to stage manage the next show.  She felt unwanted, unneeded, useless.  Now that she didn't have a job, the rest of her life was empty and meaningless.

Then the husband asked her for $20 after she had been out of work and was upset when she said she didn't have it, and then upset that she didn't have it in cash.

She was drowning slowly.