"So, the truck officially died today." Her husband said to her in lieu of a greeting. She was on the second day of 16 hour days for her job and her show. He was sitting on the couch, a movie just starting on Netflix.
"So, are you going to tow it to get the transmission fixed tomorrow?" She replied.
"Well, it's going to take them 4-5 days to get the parts. In the meantime I have rehearsal tomorrow and stuff to do so I need to borrow your car."
Inside she was seething. She knew it would take them that long to get the parts, why wouldn't he call them before waiting for the truck to die? Why wait this long and then insist on borrowing her car, her one place of solitude, especially when he knew how she had gotten her job.
"I need my car tomorrow. I need my car everyday, for my job. I can pick you up from rehearsal tomorrow night, but I need my car from 7AM until about 11PM every day, we are going into hell week for my play. Did you ask mom or my sister, since they have more flexible schedules right now?"
"Well, no."
He'd been in the house with both of them for hours before she got home, and he never thought to ask them for help, just assumed she'd be able to give up her car and her life, because his was more important. She was done with it.
"Well, you better ask them because I can't help you."