It could be stated that she made poorer decisions when she was sleep deprived, much more poor than when she was drunk.
It was on a sleep deprived night around 2am where she made a poor decision. She saw a clever Star Wars post on Instagram, and before she realized what she was doing, she had sent the post to Piz in a private message, saying that he didn't need to respond because apparently they weren't speaking, this was just a post she thought he would find funny.
Eventually she managed to get to sleep, and woke up thinking it was a stupid dream she had.
Until she saw the notification that he had written back. "Hi Penny, how have you been?"
She allowed over 24 hours to pass so she could calm down and choose how to respond. She decided on a cool, calculated response of "I've been fine, and you?"
The response she got she wasn't prepared for. He was pretty open and honest about the fact that he was back in town and crashing on some couches for the last year because that whole job didn't work out for him.
"So you lost the career and the girl?" She thought to herself. Instead she responded that she was sure his dad was happy he was back in town. He came back with asking if she still had the same job and was still doing theatre.
She told him about the now year old job and the few projects she was involved in. He responded "That's awesome! You're awesome. I'm really happy for you"
She swooned. She thanked him and asked what his plans were besides school. He said he was just up to his eyeballs in school and didn't have time for anything else.
"Just where I left you huh? Like not a day has passed."
"Yeah, pretty much, haha."
It was time to throw down her gauntlet.
"Well good luck with all that self imposed solitary confinement!"
He waited half a day to respond, "I'm a total hermit and should probably get out more. Why don't we grab a drink sometime?"
She only lasted about 4 hours before responding "When are you free?"