Saturday, October 16, 2021

Situational Candoodling Part Two

After the bar closed they spent an hour talking with the owner and mixologist of the bar, telling all the great stories and having a good time.

Finally they were kicked out and walked around a bit looking for another bar but finding them all closed.  He expressed very much wanting to go back to her place but she was nervous.  Not only had it been a little too long of a time since she'd had sex, but she also had never had what she assumed would be a one night stand.

Eventually they did head back to the apartment, had a drink, and were making out on the couch when KSL came back home.  He made a weak excuse of offering Mercury the couch to sleep on if he wanted to, then retiring to his room.

"Obviously I don't want to lead you on, we are in different locations and although I really like you, I can't really promise this will go anywhere past this night." Mercury said to her, with as much reverence as she'd ever heard when discussing such matters.  She told him she completely understood, and even though she really liked him, there were no expectations on her end except that she wanted to be his friend.

After a few minutes, they went into her room and had some quick sex.  Then they kept talking, until there were only two hours left before he needed to head back and have a full day before going back.  She told him he needed to try to sleep, but he never fell asleep.  She didn't either.

He expressed joy in the fact that he'd finally was able to sleep with a member of his hometown theatre community.  They both had a good laugh about that.  She walked him back to his car and kissed him goodbye.

Three weeks later she found her upstate visiting him for the weekend at his invitation.